Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for http://functionformulabusinessstrategy.blogspot.com/

If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at bukitvila@gmail.com.

At http://functionformulabusinessstrategy.blogspot.com/, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by http://functionformulabusinessstrategy.blogspot.com/ and how it is used.

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Customised Shopper Marketing

Tailoring of customer management initiatives and marketing activities to attract target shoppers, and stimulate growth driving purchasing behaviours, through effectively identifying and leveraging customer specific opportunities.

Translation of shopper marketing opportunities into creative ‘through-the-line’ activations.

   Retailers and wholesalers operate in a fiercely competitive environment chasing turnover daily. They are increasingly defining and fine tuning their unique market positionings in order to give their shoppers a reason to stay loyal and committed. Without such differentiation, they would have to rely solely on hard core price discounting which creates a downward value spiral in the market. This move to differentiated trade positionings provides branded goods suppliers with opportunities to leverage common brand space to mutual benefit.

Certainly, not all customers perform equally in the category or by brand, nor do they typically face the same growth opportunities. Distinct potential exists for each customer, and as such they require distinct business development initiatives. 

Generic trade marketing can not deliver maximised returns. The introduction of Customised Shopper Marketing, targeting specific shoppers in specific stores, to make specific purchasing decisions, significantly enhances the impact and effectiveness of trade spend. While the costs incurred are likely to increase, so too will the ROI realised through improved relevance, trade support, and impact.

Our Customised Shopper Marketing programmes involve the tailoring of trade marketing initiatives to attract and engage target shoppers, and stimulate growth driving purchasing behaviours, through effectively identifying and leveraging customer specific opportunities

Category Scoping and Structure Design

Development of a market definition designed to most accurately reflect consumer and shopper needs and solutions, and to unlock forward growth opportunities.

  One key to unlocking growth is to re-examine the market definition that you use. If it is too narrow, it will surely limit your scope for growth. Similarly, if it is too expansive, it will be difficult to build a cohesive offering that hangs together well and makes sense to your target audience.

Certainly, a market map should accurately reflect consumer and shopper needs, wants, and behaviours, and not be defined by the company’s areas of participation, strength, or capability.

Our approach to Category Scope and Structure Design is holistic, needs, wants, and solutions based, and visionary in that it takes into consideration partially met, or unmet needs, and non-participative consumers and/or shoppers.

Participation mapping against such a Category Scope and Structure Design unlocks meaningful, real, forward competitive advantage and growth opportunities.

Idea Generation

Brainstorming sessions custom designed around specific opportunities or challenges to generate a multitude of ideas as a platform for solution design and strategy.

  Once probortunities have been identified and defined, and objectives have been set – the task of coming up with ideas and activities to deliver against them needs to be undertaken. This is often easier said than done, especially when you aspire to really make an impact, really make a difference.

It is difficult to think innovatively, outside of the box, and come up with ideas that will step change performance, and possibly even the way customers think about the market and your offering.

We design and facilitate Idea Generation workshops around specific opportunities or challenges to generate a multitude of ideas as a platform for solution design and strategy.

We customise brainstorming techniques, use creative thinkers as facilitators, and run the sessions in venues that open the mind, in order to stimulate new, break-through thinking.

Integrated Marketing Strategies

Structured business planning programmes that integrate consumer, shopper, trade, and competitor knowledge and forward projections, into aligned cross-functional objectives and strategies that build on one another to maximise competitive advantage, growth impact, and return on marketing and sales investment.

   Integrated Marketing is an evolution from the original Category Management processes largely driven by retailers, into a supplier led, holistic approach, to driving durable competitive advantage and sustainable category growth.

Integrated Marketing Strategies target, and competitively leverage, category level growth drivers reflecting key consumer, shopper, and trade needs and wants, and proactively stimulate behaviours that will constructively develop the size, shape, and direction of the market.

The Integrated Marketing Strategies are translatable into aligned and mutually supportive Brand, Channel, and Customer Plans designed to maximise impact in the market place, and financial ROI.

Our Integrated Marketing Strategy programme follows a structured, multi-functional, business planning process that integrates consumer, shopper, trade, and competitor knowledge, into aligned cross-functional objectives and strategies that build on one another to maximise competitive advantage, growth impact, and return on marketing and sales investment.

Objective Critiques

Critical review of Brand, Channel, and Customer Strategies. Plans, and Activities to assess their completeness, alignment, and impact in driving competitive advantage, profitability, and growth.

 The preparation of annual functional strategies is often undertaken as a routine task squeezed into the last few months of the year, with the outputs invariably lacking meaningful stretch or new thinking.

Certainly, in many cases such functional plans are produced independently of one another, with very little cross pollination of knowledge, ideas, or direction, ultimately resulting in disjointed and potentially conflicting initiatives.

We undertake rigorous Objective Critiques of Brand, Channel, and Customer Strategies, Plans, and Activities to assess their completeness, alignment, and impact in driving competitive advantage, profitability, and growth.

Web site designing

We're specialized in developing website's that work. We've the proven experience and expertise in designing website that succeed by bringing in enquiries, which generate sales and are an asset to your business.
We understand the every company has a unique requirement when it comes to web designing. Where our responsibility is to project that uniqueness and make the website stand out from its competition. Unlike a run-of-the-mill website designing we make it a point to deliver a distinctive look to your website.
Our engagement can add value at any stage of a lifecycle:

    * Designing of a new website
    * Redesign or revamping of an existing website
    * Maintenance & management of an existing website

Web Design Services include:

    * Need Analysis & RFP creation
    * Solution Designing & Creative Story Boarding
    * Website Content Planning & Drafting
    * Product Photography
    * Graphic Designing
    * Designing Flash Intros & Animations
    * HTML Coding & Java Scripting